Lunchmeat Underpants
New Stuff and Inspiration
You might overwater and not even know it.
Real people talking to real people.
We were pleased to see some press starting to float around in Wyoming about these TV spots we made for them, hoping to aid in their quest for smoking cessation. The whole point was to have real Wyoming folks talking to people they love, pleading them to stop smoking. In a state where no one wants to be told what to do by authority, we felt the only way to reach them was through their family and peers. To us, this is more than just advertising, it’s an attempt to shift behavior with reality. And we’re glad it’s starting to be noticed by Wyomingites.
Here’s the article from the Gillette News Recordwe were made aware of today.
Don't zap your junk.
So don this tee and feel safe knowing you have an in-pant security system with you at all times.
UPDATE- thanks to our commenter, we’ve now realized the proper definition of the word “inflammable.” Please substitute with nonflammable.
Driven to Drive Less
50,000 commuters travel to Boulder every day for work. The average commuter travels 15-20 miles per trip. Each round trip of 25 miles equates to the production of 5, 435 lbs of Co2 a year. That’s more than a round trip flight from Los Angeles to London.
Couple that creation of mass amounts of Co2 and the overwhelming amount of cars in Boulder and you have a need for less autos motoring in this fine town. So the goal for Driven to Drive Less is to get folks to give up their car for just one day a week and commute by alternate modes of transportation, be it bus, bike, foot, pogo stick or llama. This small sacrifice will have large ramifications of both of the aforementioned issues.
Rather than recruit people with a “save the world” or harbinger “we will run out of oil” message, we tried a new approach, which includes making this more of a social movement or a game with rewards along the way. There will be events for bikers or non-drivers on ‘their’ day to go on driving hiatus (think Happy Hour), and it will be an opportunity to meet like-minded folks. Your day off is decided by your car color, and you show your badge of honor (a sticker declaring your color/day off) on your car. Corporate sponsors who share our views on sustainability have joined in and offer giveaways, prizes, discounts at their businesses, and events for those participating in the self-prescribed carlessness. It’s a community-wide program, and truly the community is joining in.
Wyoming case study is published in peer-reviewed journal.
Here at Sukle, we often get noticed for our creativity. But when a renowned university thinks our work is significant to the field of communications in public health, that’s something special.
The George Washington University of Public Health and Health Services has published one of Sukle’s case studies in their online journal, Cases in Public Health Communication and Marketing. The case study called ‘”Where do you draw the line?”, Wyoming’s Unified Campaign to Tackle Substance Abuse’ was accepted in the Summer 2010 volume of the peer-reviewed journal.
Sukle’s approach to social marketing starts with a true understanding of the audience. This case study outlines how we developed that understanding in Wyoming, and how we applied it to the problems of tobacco cessation and alcohol abuse.
Our methods may be unconventional. But they’re effective. And GWU believes they provide valuable learning for those who study and practice communications in public health. We’re honored to be included in the pages of this prestigious academic journal.
New GoLite Work
We finished up a new campaign for GoLite and got to see it at OR in all its life-sized glory. The series highlights GoLite’s Spring/Summer ‘11 trail running, hiking and travel apparel.
Since its beginning, GoLite has been all about lightweight gear made for the trail. Whether it’s an after-work out-the-backdoor loop, backpacking the Colorado Trail or connecting the dots on an overseas adventure – the more time we spend on the trail, the better we feel.
The insight for this campaign is about choices. The choices we make determines how much time we have for the trail. Do I choose to watch some reality TV or do I get off my ass and go for a run? Do I pack the blow-dryer, the curling iron, the straightener AND the krimper?
The images were shot by the uber-talented Jamie Kripke of Boulder. He uses cameras.
Good times with team SCARPA
Nom, nom, nom.
Putting the pieces together
Enter a System of Care. A System of Care is like an ongoing status meeting of dedicated professionals and loved ones centered on a specific child. Everyone involved comes together to discuss the child’s current situation, strengths and needs. Information is shared, and real improvements are achieved almost right from the start. The growth plan is constantly evaluated and modified. So the child gets the help she needs, right in his or her own community. In fact, 90% of kids entering a System of Care have their emotional and behavioral problems reduced or stabilized after 18 months.
The brief from Wyoming Dept of Health called for a leave-behind and brochure explaining a System of Care. The more we read about these kids, the more we realized how disjointed their minds and lives were. So what better way to show disjointedness than with a puzzle?
One side of the puzzle showed the fractured life and potential consequences of a kid, whom we named Craig, with unaddressed behavioral problems (this is the side shown). The other side of the puzzle showed what Craig’s life could be like under a System of Care—where his inherent gifts would be recognized, the seemingly disparate aspects of his life would come together, interact on the same page and finally start to make sense. In other words, Craig’s photo and life were put together properly.
Waste is out
To demonstrate the proposition and lead by example, we reused old billboards and placed a thin vinyl snipe over the existing art, using only 8% of the vinyl that a newly printed board would. Of course, we couldn’t have pulled it off without the help of Anthony’s Pizza, Fairmount Cemetery, Qdoba, Steamboat Ski Resort and our amigos at Cultivator and Xuma Communications. Thanks for helping us use only what we need, y’all.